Saturday, 4 June 2011


You’ll see from my recent post that I’ve been missing for a while. I got sucked into a black hole that is laughably referred to as morning sickness.

I found out I was pregnant about week 4 of my pregnancy. The first few weeks were OK, but very tiring. I was pretty pleased with how I was handling it all. I was eating well and taking care of myself and yet – still able to function like a normal human being.

Then week 6 came and brought with it the morning sickness fairy.

The morning sickness fairy brings with it much more then the need to be sick in the mornings. For me it brought feeling sick all the time, all day and all night. The inability to eat anything more complicated then bread. The inability to get out of bed. 14 hours of sleep per day. The complete and total depletion of any energy whatsoever.

I have never felt so ill in my whole life. I’d promised myself that I’ll have more then one child – but if this pregnancy is anything to go by I don’t see that happening any time soon. As I lay there in my nauseated semi slumber I could see that nothing that this pregnancy could bring could possibly be any worse. Frankly I don’t care if my labour lasts 10 days and my whole lower body rips in half. At least when you are in pain you can have some bloody pain killers. There is no medicine for pregnancy sickness. None of the advice or home remedies that I tried worked for me. I just had to suffer through it.

It’s difficult to really put across how bad I felt. I felt like I’d been racked, starved, dehydrated and then dragged across a hot rocky desert by my ankles behind a smelly limping donkey.

This lasted four weeks. I’m half way through week 10 of my pregnancy which is apparently the point when the placenta takes over and morning sickness is supposed to go away.  For the past few days I’ve actually felt (whisper it) better. I’ve done housework and eaten things. I’ve even been for a few walks.

I’m hoping that this represents some kind of turning point for me and that I’ll be able to blog a bit more. Oh and do the 1000 + other things I need to do before the baby gets here. 

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