Sunday, 1 January 2012

It happened

I finally gave birth to my little boy.

It's been a wonderful experience and I'm very happy he is safely in the world.

I'm sat writing this while he has a doze on his Daddy. My husband has been very hands on and loves getting involved with his care.

I never got the chance to finish writing about my resolutions but I'm still trying to put them into practice. Keeping on top of the housework has been hard over these past few days . Everyone who I spoke to about this sort of thing said you have to relax the rules and let stuff go. However I don't agree with this because I feel that if I didn't try to keep things organised we'd be drowning in chaos.

I feel so much calmer knowing that I've left his room in an organised state and that I know where things are within it. It takes a few more moments to put things back 'just so' and 'everything in it's place' but in the longer term it's worth it. I'm sure it saves me lots of running around.

Of course things have slipped during the day and I can't pretend you could walk into my house and find it looking as organised as an army barracks - but I do find that doing little and often and then doing a big tidy up before bedtime is working for us.

I managed to get online today and do our big shop. As part of Resolution 3 - Eat healthy meals most of the time we planned a weekly menu that we are going to stick to for the first few months at least. I managed to get everything I needed for this and the plan starts tomorrow - so lets see how that turns out!

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